Nov 1, 20183 min

Ask the Expert: What has Tom Emmer done for seniors?

Question: Every time I turn on the news or pick up a newspaper, I never see anything about what Republicans, or Tom Emmer in particular, are doing to help senior citizens like me. I want to know: What has Tom Emmer done lately for seniors?

Answer by Tom Emmer, U.S. Representative, MN-06

Short answer: A lot!

Long answer: I firmly believe promises made are promises kept. Medicare and Social Security are critical programs, and we must ensure they continue to be sustainable for generations to come. I am committed to ensuring these programs are protected for our seniors and most vulnerable, which is why I voted NO on the Budget Resolution for FY19 that would have made cuts to Social Security and Medicare.

Tom Emmer, U.S. Representative, MN-06
Contributed photo

When it comes to health care, I have supported legislation to directly ensure seniors get the care they need. I am a co-sponsor of the Pharmacy and Medically Underserved Areas Enhancement Act, which allows Medicare to reimburse pharmacists who provide care in underserved areas; the Protecting Seniors’ Access to Medicare Act to repeal the Independent Payment Advisory Board, a group of unelected bureaucrats who makes Medicare spending decisions without Congress; and, the Furthering Access to Stroke Telemedicine (FAST) Act to allow patients having a stroke (the fifth-leading cause of death for Americans) access to specialists through videoconferencing and require Medicare to cover telestroke in more places nationwide.

I have also led efforts with other Minnesota members to raise awareness and provide a seamless Cost Plan transition for the hundreds of thousands of Minnesotans currently enrolled in a Medicare Cost Plan.

In talking to seniors, I know having enough money in retirement is an issue of great concern. That’s why I introduced the Retirement Inflation Protection Act to help ensure that seniors are only paying capital gains on real increases in value of an asset, thus, allowing them to keep more of their own money for retirement.

According to the National Crime Prevention Council, senior citizens are more at risk to be targeted by telemarketing scams than other age groups. Anywhere from 56 to 80 percent of their predatory calls are directed at the elderly. That’s why I supported legislation to remove the use of Social Security numbers on Medicare cards and voted for the Anti-Spoofing Act, which would increase penalties for scammers who call to defraud seniors.

Like many Americans, seniors are rightfully concerned about illegal immigration and national security. I believe it’s time to end chain migration and adopt a system that selects newcomers based on economic and national security criteria. When it comes to refugee resettlement, ultimately, our goal should be to enable individuals admitted as refugees to return home to their families and friends in order to rebuild their communities. And plain and simple: Sanctuary cities are unlawful, which is why I voted to ensure they do not receive federal funding.

Seniors also want to make sure that their children and grandchildren are not saddled with an ever-growing national debt that grows every second. I recently voted NO on the minibus spending bills (H.R. 6157) and the FAA reauthorization bill (H.R. 302) because both continue our government’s excessive and reckless spending, and the billions in disaster relief are not offset.

I will continue to protect our nation’s seniors, who have worked hard to build the nation we live in and enjoy today. Find out more by visiting my website or calling my office at 763-441-1270.

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