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Bring the best birds to your backyard

Wild About Birds has the right feeders, houses and seed for all levels of birding

If you want the best birds at your feeder, you can’t just throw some seed in any old feeder and expect great results. And if you want advice on what feeder, house or seed to buy, you wouldn’t want to ask someone with little to no experience and expect good results, right?

Bill “B.J.” Meierhofer, who co-owns Wild About Birds, DYK, with Ann Hiemenz, knows birds. And he can make sure your backyard feeder attracts the best birds in the sky.

Wild About Birds is located in Waite Park, next to Slumberland and just 1/3 mile from Fleet Farm. It has a wide range of supplies for birders at any level.

“We are about 65 percent recycled and 80 percent American made,” said Meierhofer. “This is unusual in this type of business since so many of the feeders come from China.”

Feeders are clean and durable, many with lifetime warranties. They offer tube feeders by Droll Yankee and Aspects which are made of polycarbonate and have lifelong warranties.

“They can offer these warranties because they are made from the same material used in motorcycle windshields and bulletproof glass,” said Meierhofer.

Not only does Meierhofer know a lot about birds, he also handcrafts many of the items sold in the store, including redwood feeders and birdhouses.

And when it comes time to fill up the feeders, he can help you with that, too.

“We love the birds, but it’s important to know that birds have no loyalty to man, and they have wings, so, like humans, they go to the food sources they like and will leave you if your neighbor is offering better cover and food,” he said.

Wild About Birds get their seed in weekly, and they only carry 99 to 100 percent clean feed.

“We do not add fillers, like millet or corn, in our mixes,” said Meierhofer. “We have no competition on quality of seed; it’s simply the best around.”

In addition to great feeders, houses and feed, Wild About Birds also has a great selection of windchimes, including Corinthian Bells and Bells of Vienna, along with a variety of mounts for feeders and houses.

And customer service is a huge part of Wild About Birds business. For example, Wild About Birds is the only 5 Feather Platinum Droll Yankees dealer/repair/replacement center in central Minnesota.

“I fixed a feeder for a lady one time, and after I got done fixing it, she asked me, ‘How much do I owe you?’ I said, ‘Nothing, it has a lifetime warranty.’ She said, ‘but I bought it in 1969.’ I said, ‘Cool, that is when Droll Yankees company started. Nonetheless it has a lifetime warranty.’” The lady didn’t have a receipt and had purchased the item at a different store. It doesn’t matter, said Meierhofer. It is a lifetime warranty no matter what.

If you would like to learn more about birding and find out the best way to bring birds to your backyard, stop over at Wild About Birds, DYK, in Waite Park. The store is open weekdays, 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Saturdays, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; and Sundays, 12 p.m.-4 p.m.  Some days before Christmas will be open later, especially the last two weeks before Christmas. They can be reach by phone at 320-251-8949.

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