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July 2023 Photo Gallery

Sue Taylor saw this longhorn while wintering in Texas a few years ago.

Gloria Schatts of Detroit Lakes, Minn., found this little fellow in a garden box. She went to check her tomatoes around the first part of June, and saw the little guy in the corner trying to get out! Gloria’s granddaughter was able to catch bugs and such for him.

Sharla Bengtson sent in this fun picture of Dorothy Pottratz and her cactus collection in Wood Lake.

Lexi May of Alexandria took note of this grizzly bear as soon as she walked into the exhibit. It was lounging right next to the glass at the Minnesota Zoo. The bear did not mind the many people walking up to inspect or take a photo of it.

Tiger swallowtail butterfly enjoying spring lilacs. Sent in by Stacy Moe of Vergas, Minn

Charles Ruckheim captured this vibrant sunrise of “Witness Oak” near Parkers Prairie, Minn., in 2021.

Brooklyn and Cooper playing on a swing set and enjoying the sun in June. They are at Grandpa and Grandma’s place, Dan and Arlene Markell, of Marshall.

Kayden is loving his new sunglasses. They keep him looking cool at the lake. Sent in by Gail Kloos of Dalton, Minn., in May

This cardinal was perched perfectly. Appearing to be mirrored by the cardinal on the decorative flag. Rosie Hartwig-Benson of Litchfi eld captured this unique photo while being serenaded by this striking bird.

Joellen’s flower gardens make for the perfect place for butterflies to spend their time. Joellen’s husband, Jeff Stave of Brainerd, Minn., was able to capture this lovely photo of a monarch butterfly resting on one of her flowers.

Arnie Borchert of Sauk Rapids, Minn., saw this little black bear outside his home in 2021. The bear took a particular interest in the gardening supplies, as if the bear wanted to become a gardener.

Theodore Bear celebrated his 7th birthday at Sibley Park near New London. He got to see some of his favorite animals. Including goats, and as shown in this photo, the sheep. Sent in by Catherine Craddock of Mankato.

“How many chips would a chipmunk chip if a chipmunk would chip chips?” DeVonne Koppenberg spotted this cute chipmunk near where she lives in Rockford; on June 3.

The orchard oriole is smaller than the Baltimore oriole and less often encountered in yards or parks. The orchard oriole’s bubbly song is a sweet, musical warble, more delicate, and less repetitive than a robin’s. This photo is of a male orchard oriole by Al Batt of Hartland.

While watering the newly planted garden, Kristie Flachmeyer of Litchfi eld came across a toad smaller than her thumb. She gently placed it under the strawberry plant for a photo.

Grace Picka of New Prague, Minn., went on a family vacation the last week of March. Among many adventures the family had there, they were able to see this Manatee while paddleboarding and kayaking in Weeki Wachee, Fla.

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