To build breast cancer awareness for all women, the Minnesota National Guard launched their second Pink Tank Project video this morning for National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
“This video highlights a 28-year-old Minnesota National Guard soldier who is battling breast cancer for the third time,” said Army Maj. Kristen L. Augé, Minnesota National Guard’s Deputy Director of Public Affairs.
“Sgt. Cassie Mecuk works fulltime as a human resource specialist for the Minnesota National Guard,” said Auge. “She was initially diagnosed with breast cancer when she was 24-years-old.
“I feel the Guard has helped shape me for this and prepare me to be mentally tough,” said Army Sgt. Cassie Mecuk.
“This project is to build breast cancer awareness for all women whether they wear the uniform or not,” said Auge. “The Pink Tank Project is a promise – a promise to yourself to conduct monthly self-breast exams and have mammograms as recommended by your health care provider.”
For more information on the Minnesota National Guard’s Pink Tank Project, visit
Pink Tank Project video one[youtube][/youtube]
Pink Tank Project video two “Pink Tank Project-Cassie’s Story” [youtube][/youtube]
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