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More Lifelong Favorites

A collection of recipes from Senior Perspective

By Jim Palmer, Editor/Publisher of Senior Perspective

This is our 21st Senior Perspective cookbook, and after 21 cookbooks, we have learned a few things and seen a few things along the way.

The process of making this book has evolved and fine-tuned over the years. It actually starts about a year before this book comes out. That is when we start collecting recipes. We have already started collecting recipes that will appear in both the newspaper and the 22nd cookbook (coming in 2024).

When we get to June, the wheels start spinning faster on the book. That is when we start approaching advertisers who would like advertise and sell the books from their locations. This is the most time-consuming part of the process but also very important. This step allows us to keep the cost of the book low and also gives us places to sell the books. 

By mid-summer, we start looking at categories that may be short on recipes and we put a call out for those recipes. (Note: We are never short on dessert recipes.) We also put a call out for photos, which give the cookbook a little extra flavor. 

A lot of people have published family recipe books. Those people have a real appreciation for one of the most important steps of every cookbook -- proofreading. I learned quickly the importance of accuracy with some of the earliest books I published. 

Every bit of our Senior Perspective newspaper is proofed by at least two sets of eyes… but when you make a cookbook, two sets of eyes don’t seem to be quite enough. Because when you are preparing a book like this, mistakes are a big deal. If we miss a comma in the newspaper, we didn’t just ruin someone’s day. If we are off just a little bit on an amount, miss even the smallest of steps in the directions, or completely miss an ingredient, there are going to be some frustrated people.

For our book, the first person to notice and be upset with an error is the person who submitted the recipe, as it is his/her name next to the recipe. However, nine times out of 10, the mistake is tracked back to the person who submitted the recipe. Because we check everything a couple of times using the original recipe submitted as our guide, most mistakes made in our cookbook are wrong when they are sent in. Not all… we also miss stuff... but most (so be careful when submitting recipes).

The next group of people who may be upset are the people who have made the recipe (and it failed) or are in the process of making it. We have received calls over the years from people who are calling from the kitchen. They are in the middle of making something and the conversation goes something like, “This recipe calls for two cups of baking soda… that doesn’t seem right.” It is at that moment that we jump into problem-solving mode – scanning similar recipes to figure out what the right amount should be. Typically we can figure things out enough to save the recipe. 

Errors don’t happen very often in our cookbooks, but they do happen. Because these recipes are being submitted by hundreds of different people, in hundreds of different styles, and in hundreds of different handwritings, no matter how many times we comb through it, we will not catch everything. If we do make a mistake on a recipe, look to the December or January edition of the Senior Perspective for any corrections. Typically, we find out about them within days or weeks after the new book is released. 

In the end, we try our best to make this book as accurate as we can, and we also try to give our readers a good variety of interesting recipes from “the best of the best” cooks and bakers in the area. And there are some real gems in this book. What other book can you find Bison Burger Casserole (page 40), Rhubarb Mandarin Bars (84) and Pumpkin Chili (67) in the same book?

I want to thank you for picking up this year’s cookbook. And thanks for the support you have given us and this book over the years. We hope you enjoy Vol. 21.

A quick thank you for all those who helped with this cookbook. First, thanks for all those who submitted recipes and photos for the book. That is the heart and soul of it. Next, thanks to all those businesses who advertised on the pages. Because of these ads, we are able to offer the book for only $4 again this year. I would like to also thank the team at Senior Perspective for their hard work typing up the recipes, proofing the recipes, selling the ads, laying out the book, delivering the books, etc. It takes a team effort to pull this off each year. Helping with this year’s book were Jen Bergerson, Beth Hellem, Jillian Kellerman, Bud Prescott, Laura Bear, Bella Banal, Alia Ossmo, Joanne Brown, Amanda Weisel, Taylor Reetz, Bernie Farnam, Mike Shaw, Jim Arvidson, Evelyn DeSmet, Michelle Gelinske, Chuck Sterling, Scott Thoma, Dwaine Palmer, Pat Broberg, Joey Ross, Sheila Nepsund and Judy Lund. 

If you have a recipe or photo that you would like to submit to the Senior Perspective and/or the next cookbook, just send to or mail to Senior Perspective Recipes, P.O. Box 1, Glenwood, MN 56334. If you would like to order extra books, go to page 111 for more info.


Rhubarb Crisp

Submitted by Linda Prettyman of Brainerd


1 cup white sugar


1 cup brown sugar

1 cup oatmeal

1 cup flour

1/2 cup butter, softened


Fill a 9 x 13 inch glass cake pan half full of chopped rhubarb. Sprinkle with sugar. Then sprinkle it with cinnamon. Mix together brown sugar, oatmeal and flour. Add softened butter and mix well. Spread this mixture evenly over the rhubarb. Bake at 350 degrees for 40 minutes.


Pictured is my daughter Carla helping me pick rhubarb. Our family always looked forward to the first rhubarb in the spring so I could bake this treat. Submitted by Linda Prettyman of Brainerd 


More Lifelong Favorites


A collection of recipes from Senior Perspective with fun pictures and tidbits shared by readers. Available from the advertisers each year in time for the holidays. Check out our shop if you haven't found a copy to purchase locally.



Got a good story idea? We would love to hear about it. Most of our stories start out as ideas from readers. Other questions or comments about the paper can be sent here too.

Thanks for contacting us!

Senior Perspective, PO Box 1, Glenwood, MN 56334  ||  (320) 334-3344

©2023 Senior Perspective. Site by Palmer Creations.

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