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My perspective - A tip of the cap to our delivery team

By Jim Palmer

Santa has a sleigh and a team of reindeer working for him each year, delivering gifts to boys and girls across the globe. Senior Perspective has a slightly different delivery operation -- less international travel and reindeer games -- but we still try to bring something that brings smiles to the young (at heart). 

I’m often asked how we are able to deliver our paper to all our locations (currently more than 3,200 spots) every month.  Well... it didn’t happen overnight. Over the last few decades, we have built up a network of drivers. These dedicated drivers, about 40 of them altogether, each distribute the papers 1-2 days a month, all year round. 

Twenty years ago, the delivery team consisted of me in a rundown silver mini van, and a guy named Ferd Stepan from Sauk Centre, Minn. Ferd would take about 1/3 of the route and I would take the remaining 2/3. It took me two full days. A lot has changed as the business has evolved and grown, and we added more drivers and routes along the way. 

If you  are reading the paper right now (which I can safely say you are), chances are good that someone from our delivery team helped get them into your hands. About 98 percent of our papers are delivered by hand by one of these drivers. The remaining papers are sent out in the mail to subscribers or kept in our archives.

Most of our delivery team is retired but there a few young drivers mixed in too. We have a driver in his teens, a driver in his 20s, and one in his 30s... but the majority are in their 60s, 70s and 80s.  Some deliver solo and some deliver with a spouse or close friend. 

My role in the delivery has changed through the years. While I used to deliver thousands of papers to several communities, my job is now to coordinate the deliveries (along with my ad manager, Jen) and also do a smaller route that is close to home.  In addition,  I bring a van full of papers to the delivery team in St. Cloud each month. One of the drivers in that area is my dad, so it is a good excuse to have breakfast with him before we transfer papers to his vehicle.

During these winter months, delivery can be a tad more challenging than the rest of the year (although road construction is also a factor the rest of the year). But the good part of about Senior Perspective delivery--- there is not a set date that the paper has to be delivered on. This gives us some flexibility when things come up. Because we are a monthly, the paper is not distributed on the same day each month like a weekly paper. We deliver at the end of each month and the paper comes out “around the 1st” of the month. Typically, this means the 27th-31st of each month, but sometimes it is the 1st or 2nd depending on how the calendar lines up that month, where holidays line up, if crummy weather plays a factor, or if a driver is out sick a couple of days. And because there is some wiggle room on delivery day, if there is a blizzard, our drivers wait until conditions improve to deliver the papers.

There are definitely some fun perks to delivery. First and foremost... people are very happy to see you when you walk in with papers. That never gets old. There are often big smiles and a comment like “We’ve been looking for those,” or “Can I get one of those?” Some of our drivers have even received hugs while they deliver. And if a driver has been delivering for a while, people start to know their routine -- about what time they will be at a location and even what vehicle they drive. Sometimes, our readers even stop the drivers on the street to get a paper from them before they can get out of their vehicle. 

Most of the delivery team includes paid drivers, and a handful are volunteer drivers who help get papers to smaller places off the beaten path, expanding our delivery as part of their regular travels. 

If you would ever have interest in joining our delivery team, just let me know. We don’t really have many openings at the moment, but sometimes we shift routes around and new openings become available. We love to have a waiting list. And sometimes people travel or are laid up for a couple of months, and then we need some help covering their route for a month or two. And, of course, sometimes people step away from delivering and we are looking for a replacement. 

As we head into 2024, I would like to give “a tip of the cap” to all our delivery drivers. Thanks to all our current drivers and all those who help our delivery go smoothly each month. The team includes Darrel, Tom, Pat, Arden, Dale, Lloyd, Jared, Sue, Tom, Dennis, Barb, Gene, Karen, Dwaine, Lillian, Lloyd, Bill, Michelle, Chuck, Mike, Meg, Shawn, Scott, Lee, Judy, Jeff, David, Jim A., Aaron, Mike, Bob, Vicki, Evelyn, Sheila, Mark, Joey, David, Bella, Clara, Dave, Pam and Leo.  We couldn’t do it without you! And if you see any of our drivers in action, be sure to give them a smile, a wave, and thank them for all they do. I would also like to thank all the drivers who have helped us over the last 30+ years. Each of you have had a big role in our growth and success!


About two-thirds of our cookbooks have been sold now... but there are still some out there to be purchased if you want one (or two). A list of locations in your area are printed on Page 8. Keep in mind that  some of these locations may be sold out or nearly sold out... so it is a good idea to call first to make sure they have some left. If you would like a book but can’t find one near you, you can also order direct from us. Call us for 320-334-3344 for ordering information or order from our web page,

Happy New Year!

Thanks for your support in 2023. Readership in the Valley continues to climb each month. Looking forward to a big year in 2024. Happy New Year!

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