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New vein care techniques can provide big relief

Business Profile: Vein Clinic, P.A.  More than half of all Americans suffer with varicose veins and venous insufficiency causing pain in legs, swelling or sleepless nights due to restlessness in legs. One common misconception is that treatment is only for cosmetic purposes, and is mainly for women. As a result, many men have vein disease that is more advanced. Patients are frequently surprised to know that Medicare and other Insurance companies cover the latest treatments now available. Left untreated, varicose veins cause problems such as blood clots, sores and bleeding. One example is Ivan Radloff from Winthrop. He is a dairy and crop farmer. His veins caused swelling, blood clots, and ulcers on the side of his foot. Ivan said he couldn’t sleep at night, which left him feeling tired and worn out all day. After three laser treatments from Dr. Sam Gupta, Ivan’s legs felt better and he could sleep through the night. “I’m more rested and have more energy for my daily work. Dr. Gupta is a great doctor, he really knows what he’s doing,” Ivan said. Ivan is one of more than 4,000 who have used the Vein Clinic PA to solve his leg aches and pains. The Vein Clinic PA was started in 1990 in Chanhassen. Dr. Gupta took over the practice in November of 2009 and has since opened four more clinics in Hutchinson, Lakeville, Blaine and Brainerd. The fifth clinic, Brainerd Vein Clinic PA, held a ribbon cutting on August 23, 2011. Currently the Vein Clinic PA has over 50 staff members and has helped patients from as far away as Holland and Sweden. The clinics average more than 70 new patients per month. Early in his medical career, Dr. Gupta, practiced in the area of wound care. It quickly became clear to him that poor blood circulation was a major contributing factor in his patients’ conditions and he decided to take his studies further. He became a Board Certified Phlebologist (vein specialist), focusing solely on leg veins. He practiced Phlebology in Indiana for several years before coming to Vein Clinic PA and has performed more than 8,000 laser procedures. Dr. Gupta, M.D., M.P.H. completed his medical training at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester. His drive to provide the best information for his patients led him to pursue a Master of Public Health Degree (MPH) from Harvard University. It was there that Dr. Gupta developed his skill of interpreting scientific studies and using this information to help guide his patients’ health care decisions. For the past several years, Dr. Gupta has devoted himself solely to the diagnosis and management of the entire spectrum of vein disorders. His board certifications include Family Practice and Phlebology. When he is not working, Dr. Gupta enjoys music, fitness and time with his family. In 2005, Phlebology gained subspecialty status by the American Medical Association. Much like Pediatricians, Neurologists, Orthopedists and such, Phlebologists focus solely on their specialty, thus providing their patients with the newest and most effective treatments in this field. Dr. Gupta is one of only 477 physicians in the country who are board certified in the field of Phlebology as of 2011. Deysi Johnsox and her husband own a small office cleaning company, where she’s responsible for training employees. She spends most of her workday on her feet, working with her team. She experienced severe restlessness in her legs at night, which interfered with her sleep. Lack of sleep, combined with pain and heaviness, meant she couldn’t work a full day anymore; she would work for 4-5 hours and then go home to rest. Deysi thought her spider veins were a normal part of aging. Her doctor couldn’t find anything wrong so he recommended she have her veins looked at. After a free consultation, and a mapping, she learned that varicose veins were causing her problems, even though they weren’t visible on the surface. Within a few days of her first treatments, she was sleeping through the night for the first time in years. Now she has more energy, is happier all around, and can enjoy outdoor activities with her son without the fear of pain. Symptoms Some symptoms of varicose veins and venous insufficiency are: aching, itching, burning, restlessness, numbness, cramping, heaviness, and tiredness. Other signs are swelling of feet and ankles, dry itchy skin, bruising easily, discoloration of the skin, or sores that are slow to heal. More advanced conditions are permanent discoloration of the skin, leg ulcers, or blood clots. Dr. Gupta had one patient ask him, “If I’m too old for a haircut am I too old for this treatment?” Dr. Gupta told the patient you are never too old for this treatment. People are living longer and this is the new norm. One of his patients was 98 years old when she had the treatments. Screening and Diagnosis Your Phlebologist (vein specialist) will do a detailed examination and make a diagnosis. A visual examination of your legs while you’re standing, along with a detailed interview of your symptoms, can be important information in determining whether an ultrasound is necessary. Ultrasound scanning is done in the office, is totally pain-free, and results are available immediately. The Phlebologist will then discuss with you the best treatment options. Treatment is designed for each patient based on the results of the examination and ultrasound scan. Everyone is different, so individual tailoring of treatment is essential. Treatment Options Early treatment often prevents the symptoms from worsening and, of course, removes the unsightly appearance. In fact, the earlier you receive specialist treatment, the better the long-term clinical and cosmetic results. A combination of non-invasive treatments is usually recommended in order to ensure the immediate and long-term results. No hospitalization is required for laser treatment. Laser treatment can be performed in-office under local anesthesia and procedures take less than one hour. There are no long recovery periods. Vein stripping is a thing of the past. Vein stripping was 5-6 weeks of pain and down time. Patients are encouraged to return to most normal activities immediately after treatment, which speeds recover. Laser treatment of varicose veins is a safe, effective and long term solution. Dr. Gupta, a board-certified Phlebologist, offers the latest technology in equipment, staff support and technique to ensure the safest and most optimal outcome. You can contact Vein Clinic PA by calling 1-800-955-VEIN (8346) or e-mail: Hours of patient care and availability are: Monday – 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Evening and Saturday hours are offered on select days and clinics throughout the week. The website is Business profiles are an opportunity for business to tell our readers about themselves in a paid feature story format. To find out more about this option, call Jim at 320-634-3511.

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