After moving from the Minneapolis suburbs to Kanabec County, Scott Coltrane enjoys the 20 secluded acres he and his wife live on, where he finds dragonflies and many other nature scenes.
A Brown County fair gladiolas bonus bouquet. Shared by Linda Weldy.
Getting more out of his yard in St. Peter then he puts in, Larry Kiewel planted an apple tree and set up a bird feeder. Striped gophers spread seeds from the feeder, and a goldfinch eats from the sunflower that has grown.
Dean Fishel, in Westbrook, noticed deer trying to claim his territory as he peered through the top glass of his basement door.
On Long Lake, near Willmar, Janel Watson took puppy, Hank, for a ride on the water.
Sunroom has gone to the cats, in Dawson. Photo shared by Shari Aabye.
Caroline Otteson, from New London, has some spooky grandkids.
Late summer presented Caryl Nelson with a perfect evening for a book and glass of wine on the deck in Glenwood.
These Baltimore orioles appear to have gotten in a heated political discussion over dinner. Photo by Al Batt, of Hartland.
Plum tree branches were hanging heavy with fruit in Kat Becker’s, Tintah backyard.
At just the right angle, this spider web showed up at Jen Bergerson’s lake place near Perham.
A night-blooming cereus in flower for Jan Nygaard, in Fergus Falls. Jan grew a slip for 4 years before getting pungent, seven-inch flowers that open one at a time at sunset. Each bloom only lasts one night.